Silverwood Lake Kayak Launch
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Silverwood Lake – Great Lake to Kayak Fish – Kayak Launch

Silverwood Lake Kayak Fishing

Looking for a new place to do some kayak fishing? Have you tried Silverwood Lake yet?

Silverwood Lake is a kayak friendly lake that has a tremendous fishery. From Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass, Catfish, Crappie, Bluegill and my favorite, Striped Bass, Silverwood has it all.

Kayak Launch

In the below video, I walk you through Silverwood Lake and the Kayak access that they offer, as well as some of the other facilities they offer. From a nice wide launch ramp area, with 7 ramp aisles, to the side ramps specifically for kayaks, this lake is built kayak friendly. Just be careful out there as it does get windy…and fast! You don’t want to get stuck at the other end of the lake like I almost did last week. Not fun!

As a kayak fisherman, we are always looking for access and a way to get to the water. Silverwood makes it nice and easy for us in the Plastic Navy.

For more information on Silverwood Lake, click HERE, including schedule and pricing.

Fishing at Lake Silverwood

I mentioned the variety of fish available at this lake. One of my favorites to chase around up there on the Kayak are the striped bass. The majority of the fish you will catch will be in the 2-4lb range, but you have a legitimate shot at a big, 20+ pound striper every time you go out.

One of my favorite ways to chase the fish is twitching flies on leadcore. Click this link for my article on my Top 3 Flies for striped bass…and the KILL up at Silverwood.

Enrico Puglisi Fly Striped Bass Fishing - silverwood lake fishing
Enrico Puglisi Peanut Butter

Don’t forget your trout gear as well. Once the lake starts to get their state trout pants, it can absolutely go off. And once they get their trout plants, be sure to bring your heavy swimbait gear as well. I’ve had some great days throwing the Lunker Punker right as the sun is going down. But thats for a different story.

Thank you for checking out Davey’s World.

See you on the water!


Tackle Direct