2-piece rods for kayak fishing. okuma reflexions rods
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2-Piece Rods for Kayak Fishing

In some kayak fishing circles, 2-piece rods have quite the stigmatism. These kayakers say that 2-piece rods are only for those who don’t know how to fish, or for those who want to save deck space. They claim that 2-piece rods are less durable and don’t fish as well as their one-piece counterparts. But I say, don’t listen to the haters!

Okuma relexions 2-piece rods for. perfect for kayak fishing
Okuma Reflexions 2-piece Rods


2-piece rods have a lot of great points for fishing kayak. For one, they are much easier to store on your kayak. You can put them down below deck, out of the way, so you have more room on deck for other things. like your tackle box, fish finder, and coolers. Additionally, 2-piece rods are just as durable as one-piece rods; in fact, many kayak fishing guides use 2-piece rods because they’re easy to transport and store. So next time you’re in the market for a new kayak fishing rod, don’t discount the 2-piece options – they might just be what you’re looking for.

Check out the full lineup of the Okuma Reflexions Rods HERE.

Thank you for coming Davey’s World!

See you on the water!


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